Successfully Make the Life Changes You're Resisting

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Choice, Commitment
Stub only: Time Management
Stub only: Focusing
Stub only: Positive Reinforcement
Intro written: Journaling for Clarity of Mind and Emotions

Exercise Details

Duration = 15 minutes.
Difficulty = 40/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To build momentum toward success with major projects that you avoid (such as writing a book) or with difficult personal changes that seem too hard to make (such as changing a relationship pattern, losing weight, or quitting smoking).
  2. To deal with your resistance when you don't seem to be able to get into action, even though you know what you must do.
  3. To keep you focused on your decisions during difficult times, so that you can follow through with them single-minded determination.
Image courtesy of: Mateusz Stachowski, Poland || Original Image || SXC profile || Galeria